Grave Register

Surname Accuracy:

Grave Record:

Record ID: G35
Name(s) Recorded:
(No particular order)

Nicholls, John

Nicholls, Elizabeth

Nicholls, Sarah Verdon

Location: The Abbey, Kilculliheen, Ferrybank, Waterford Sources:

The Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society Journal: Part III, Nos 166-251; 1995


Erected to the memory of John and Elizabeth Nicholls. Elizabeth Nicholls wife of John Nicholls master mariner of this port died on the 26th of April 1855 in the 39th year of her age. John Nicholls died at Parabia, Brazil, on the 25th March 1857 in his 43rd year. Also Sarah Verdon Nicholls their infant who died on the 18th May 1851 aged 1 year and 7 months and buried in St. James Churchyard, Bermondsey, London.


Wat. News, Fri. 27 April 1855, p.3, c.6. On Yesterday Mrs Captain Nicholls.

Notes: Not Recorded