Grave Register

Surname Accuracy:

Grave Record:

Record ID: G110
Name(s) Recorded:
(No particular order)

Phelan, William

Phelan, Julia

Phelan, Micheal

Phelan, Michael

Phelan, Ellen

Location: Drumcannon Sources:

Decies: No.45; Spring 1992


Erected by William Phelan of Ballydrisland in memory of his father William Phelan who died the 2nd of September 1821 aged 81 years. As mother Julia Phelan died the 3rd of February 1825 aged 70 years. His brother Michael died the 13th August 1826 aged 43 years. His uncle Michael died the 2nd of March 1825 aged 93 years. Also his aunt Ellen Phelan died November the 10th 1815 aged 75 years.

Obituaries: Not Recorded