Grave Register

Surname Accuracy:

Grave Record:

Record ID: G149
Name(s) Recorded:
(No particular order)

Power, John

Power, Anastasia

Power, Mary

Power, Joseph

Power, Michael

Follis, Margaret

Power, Anastasia

Location: Old Cemetery, Holy Cross Church, Tramore Sources:

Memorials of the dead in the Old Cemetery Church of the Holy Cross, Tramore: Andy Taylor; 1994.


In loving memory of John Power of 12 Passage Rd. Watd. died 12th Aug. 1910. His wife Anastasia died 7th Dec. 1932. Their daughters, Anastasia died 1907, Mary died 1946, their sons, Joseph died 1912, Michael died 1962, and their daughter Margaret Follis died 1969. Their son John died 3rd Oct. 1980. R.I.P. My Jesus Mercy. P. Bergin, John St.

Obituaries: Not Recorded

35 A 8.